It’s Been a Long Time Haiku

The title says it all. I haven’t blogged in months. Part of that is being busy. I have a new son if you didn’t know. Part of that is that, honestly, WordPress really doesn’t make much sense to me anymore. All the settings are different and nothing does what I want it to do. It used to make sense and was fun to operate. Now I don’t get it. Kinda like becoming a dad at fifty! 🙂 Still, I wanted to make the effort and post some haiku from my ever-increasing catalog. I still write a new haiku everyday. Most are inspirational. Some are rants and current event observations. (I don’t post those). Thanks for taking the time to read these. If you like them, give the post a like. It would be nice to know if people are still out there and reading blogs. There’s been so much negativity around blogs and podcasts in the media of late. 

Anyway, I sincerely hope you all have a magnificent day. Enjoy!






Is a long-term investment

In your mental health.



We will never learn

Until firstly we shut up

And pay attention.




Show me your actions.

Don’t tell me what you would do,

Go out and do it!




There will never be

Another moment like this.

Love and savor it.




What will today bring,

What new possibilities,

What great surprises?




How can I restore

My abilities back to

Factory settings?




We know we don’t know,

Yet we go not-knowing

Rather than knowing.




One can devalue

The life given to us all

Through one’s own choices.




Ev’ry new idea

Provides opportunity

To spread peace and love.




Each of us suffer,
Publicly or privately.

Know this and be kind.


Our Family, now including Junius Quincy Rogers Michael, born June 23, 2021


Fall 2020 Quaran-haiku

Well, fall has officially started, we’re just about two weeks away from the next presidential election, and my son is visiting his grandparents. The last one means I get a few moments to transcribe some more haiku from the recent past. So here goes…

This collection is from mid-April 2020. The quarantine was about a month old then. (Were we ever that young?) And the idea of being safe inside for a time was still filled with hopeful potential. In many ways not much has hanged, except we’re all still sheltering in place and waiting for the whole thing to come to an unsatisfying close. But in the meantime there’s always more haiku!

Know that you’re not alone. Know that this will end. Know that permanent changes will come from this, but hopefully, most of them will be for the better.

Hang in there, wash your hands, wear your mask, and keep the faith.





Use your time wisely.

Exercise, read, research, cook,

Write that symphony.




Be the world’s beacon.

Shine your warm glow ever forth,

Driving out darkness.




Believe in yourself!

Need me to say it again?

Believe in yourself!




Remain positive

Despite negativity

Ev’rywhere you look.




Use your God-given

Abilities to make the

World a better place.

IMG_2853My little love and I




Advance toward a

Worthy goal ev’ryday with

Small, steady efforts.




You can only do

What you can do given your

Time and resources.




You are not alone.

You are not alone. You are

Not alone. You are…




If you must love me,

Love me for who I am, not

For who I might be.




That which we believe

Is more likely to come true

Than that which we don’t.


View from an abandoned fire lookout in Shenandoah National Park

Christmas in July Haiku

I have to remain creative. This summer is so much about absorbing what’s out there, rather than creating anew. With all my primary summer creative projects cancelled, it’s a ‘caretaker’ summer, managing what is rather than making what isn’t. My haiku at least let me express daily a small measure of my feelings. So here are some more from the backlog. These are the last of 2019, before the plague, before the shutdown, before the world changed. I hope their simple messages give you joy or comfort, whatever you need most right now. I’ll be back again soon. Until then, stay safe, wash your hands, wear your mask, and make whatever lemonade you can from the lemons of your life.

Wishing you well,


Let come what will come
And respond accordingly
As the night to day.

How shall we proceed?
What shall we prioritize,
And what abandon?

You must find your way
Back to a more powerful place
Where love can flourish.

I know you’re nervous.
Trust that you’ve got what it takes
To be successful.

We shall do our best,
And only we determine
What that best shall be.


The family on an outing this summer.

Gradually calm.
One breath at a time. In. Out.
Rest in the moment.

What’s most important
Is that you never give up.
Small breaks are okay.




Connect with old friends.
What a joy to catch up and
Fondly reminisce.

All work and no play…?
All work and no play makes one…?
Can’t think now; must work.

When will my life change?
Spun wheels for so long and now
Not getting younger.

Who is this old man
Renting space in my body?
Aren’t I still twelve?

How easily it happens.
A loud voice conquers.


A sloth at the Richmond Metro Zoo, the embodiment of the socially distanced Summer 2020

April in corona-time haiku

Hello All,

Here’s a second helping of haiku from the vault of the last few months. I will say that being home all the time does allow me to transcribe my haiku from the legal pads faster than when the world is running normally, whatever that means. On a personal note, I’m still kind of surprised that some of the haiku, that were written in this case in November of 2019, feel like they’re talking to today, right now. I don’t often get a chance to go back and read what I wrote “back then,” so it’s a bit of a discovery or rediscovery all around. I’ve left the dates in this time so you can see when they were written. And please note, there’s one piece of profanity. It happens. Sorry. Anyway, please while you read these, stay safe, stay in, and wash your hands. And as always, thanks for reading and if something strikes your fancy consider letting me know.

Peace and good health,


Nothing is certain;
Tomorrow you could die or
Get a tax refund.

Sometimes you have to
Back off, cut your losses, and
Just not give a shit.

Try to remain calm.
Take a deep breath and be still.
You can get through this.

We have only now
To make our diff’rence; live, love,
Leave our legacy.


Shadow says, “Practice social distancing,” even in a cabinet.

Whatever happens
Keep it all in perspective
And just keep moving.

Remember you have
A responsibility
To optimism.

You just never know
When opportunity will
Decide to come knock.

Grant me, O Lord, peace,
Health, wisdom, understanding,
Patience, discernment.

Ruthlessly protect
All those that come to you for
Assistance and love.

IMG_2243 (2)

Just a boy out walking his cat on the beginning of the adventure of a lifetime.

Haiku for an uplift

Well, it’s been a week. (I seem to say that a lot.) And that means writing haiku to bolster my spirits. I’ve been working seven days a week (doesn’t everybody nowadays?), celebrated a wedding anniversary, marked the 89th birthday of my father who crossed over 19 years ago, and just tried all manner of strategies to keep my head above water. So here you go! If these little guys bring you any peace, comfort, or joy, I’ve done my job for another week. May you be calm and blessed.



Let today be a
Peace, Love, Light, Healthy, Happy,
Groovy kind of day.

Who you choose to be
Is entirely your call;
Not a group project.

We become our thoughts;
Our thoughts become our actions;
Actions, character.

I brake for flowers,
Good food, sunrises, rainbows,
Slow turtles, and cats.

Dance the cosmic dance,
Making up the words and moves
As you go along.


The Tao of Kittens

There are some people,
No matter how hard you try,
You’ll just never please.

Mother used to say,
“Some people just won’t like you.
You mustn’t sweat it.”





Seek help if needed.
Don’t suffer in silence while
Putting up a front.

Live today today.
Put yesterday behind you
And tomorrow off.

Try to breathe today.
Don’t let the grind get to you.
Hold to your stillness.


Scary Halloween faces

The “Best” Dad in the World

My son, John Adams, makes us art all the time. ALL. THE. TIME. He just turned six. We get pictures of trees, flowers, rocks, birds, us, him, our families. You get the idea. It’s all somewhere between beautiful, heartfelt scribble, what is it?, and “now what the hell do I do with this?” We put some on the fridge. We lay away a lot in a box. We get overrun and start the process over. It is quite simply one of the joyous-griefs of parenting.

Recently, I reached for my yellow legal pad and realized I had inserted two of his more current drawings between the pages. I’m certain I did it in a moment of unconscious decluttering desperation. This time I stopped and looked at the pictures. The first picture was a lopsided heart with the inscription, “You are the best dad ever.” The second picture is of him and me walking outside on a sunny day with the words “Dad” and “Beeny” variously strewn about the page. I call him Beanie Bug at home or Beanie for short.  I really looked at his work this time, what he wrote, how he meant it. And I felt loved. And sad. Beanie Art20001

I’m not the best dad. I love him. I care for him often. I am usually the first face he sees in the morning and the second to last face before bedtime. I feed him, clothe him, and shuttle him back and forth to school. And he is with me for almost all of my work commitments. But I do frustrate easily at his unceasing chatter, his imperious self-righteousness, his inability to do for himself, his laziness, his petulance. And I let him know it, often, and in no uncertain terms. “You’re six, long hair. Get a job!”

Beanie Art10001

And yet, he still loves me. I’m the best dad ever. At least, in his eyes, on that day, at that moment. And he drew me a picture to tell me so. I couldn’t love him more, and I am unworthy.

So to all the rest of you out there, in the spirit of Paying it Forward, if you are feeling down about yourself, feeling unworthy of love, here’s some affirmations from our family vernacular to you, to lift your spirits a bit; to remind you that you are worthy of love and affection, even when you’re not meeting your own standard.

You are:

The best piece of chicken…

The longest game of UNO…

The warmest, fuzziest blanket…

The funniest animal video on YouTube…

The last lick of a Tootsie Pop, right before the chewy center, when the candy and Tootsie Roll are blended in your mouth just right…

The bestest hug…

The mightiest superhero…

The softest fur on the friendliest cat…

The kindest face when I first open my eyes in the morning…

And, of course, you are:



Love and Hugs from the “best” dad,



Beanie and I at the Caledon Butterfly release

Autumn Haiku Musings 2019

Happy Fall, Everyone! It’s been two months since I posted and it’s time I do something. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, dreaming, some would say procrastinating, and it’s coming out of me in the last few weeks as haiku. I know, my old standby. Anyway, enjoy, read, reflect, reject, take comfort in, or what have you. And as always, thanks for reading.



Open wide your heart.
Embrace all inhabitants
Of this universe.

Take back what is yours.
Take a vow to reclaim your
Personal power.

Today, you’re stronger.
Today, you’re more in control.
Today, you stand tall.

Part of the “Good Fight”
Is educating oneself
How to fight better.

Each day is a gift;
A Present Moment is time.
Use each day wisely.


Flamingos in the Mist

People: just two kinds:
Those who fear and don’t do, and
Those who fear and do.

Read voraciously,
Open-hearted and open-minded;
Absorb the masters.

Know when to hold’em,
Fold’em, walk away, and run.
Thanks, Kenny Rogers.


Don’t care what they think.
Don’t keep up with the Jones’s.
Just run your own race.

The art you create
Is a reflection of you,
And your soul’s cravings.


A joyful family moment at Belvedere Plantation

Musings in Haiku-time

It’s early summer and I’m busy (who isn’t?) and I’m just feeling the need to share some new haiku. I thought after I’d written 5,000 that maybe, just maybe, I’d put the bug behind me. I guess not. Anyway, enjoy, thanks for reading, and have your best possible day.



Good and Bad exist,
Whether God or Man made them
They exist nonetheless.

Know that rewards come
When the naysayers say “no”
But you respond “yes.”

Making enemies
Is sadly part of the game.
There’s always a foe.

It’s far too easy
Too acquiesce in defeat.
It’s hard to stand strong.


Don’t let the aliens get ya!

There’s always someone
Less fortunate than yourself.
Fight on in their name.

Lead by example.
Courage, integrity, grace:
They’re not unnoticed.

Your son deserves the
Best you you can offer him.
Don’t squander his wealth.

Faiths that focus on
Fear, division, and judgement
Don’t speak to my heart.

Have you ever seen
A sick giraffe and uttered
“Now that’s a sore throat?!”

“Where do we go next?”
the boy asked sitting by Dad.
“We go on,” my son.


Fat Man and Little Boy

New Year, New Haiku (2019 Edition)

Dear Reader,

Happy New Year, 2019. It has been over 5 months since I connected with you. So much in my, and my family’s life, has changed. We live in a new house; we’re closer to our work; I have started a new job with the Stafford Regional Choral Society; Nancy is two chapter revisions away from defending her dissertation; John Adams is in Kindergarten; and there are many smaller, subtler changes and adjustments that have altered our lives since last writing. We are still packing and unpacking. We are still finding our footing in a new home. There has been less than a little time to be creative with the move, and then  into the holidays. But I am still here; we are still here. And I am still dedicated to my blog and my writing. So with that said, please enjoy these new haiku, written over the last few days; the first new writing I’ve done in awhile, and certainly the first writing I’ve done in 2019. Until, next time, thanks for reading, thanks for noticing me, and thanks for being a part of my life, online or other, in 2019.

Blessings, Bounty, and Bacon,


The New Year’s begun.
Will it bring big surprises,
Or more of the same?

We are our actions.
Inaction is an action,
A choice of no choice.

Character matters.
Your actions and words matter.
Children are watching.

Model behavior
You wish to come back to you,
For it will return.

We have adopted
A white lump of fat some say
Used to be a cat.

Shadow set to spin

The road up is hard.
The road down all too easy.
Which road are you on?

No resolution
Can survive January
Without discipline.

I love New Year’s Day:
We resolve, renewed, hopeful;
Tabula rasa.

A cool blast of change
Blows with a wintry crispness
Across our country.


Pray for each other.
Listen to each other.
Love one another.

The family on Christmas Eve, 2018

Last New Haiku in an Old Home

Well, here we are: less than ten days away from moving into a new home we are blessed to have been offered, but the sadness and nostalgia of the moment is competing with the excitement, challenge, and exhaustion of a major move; even one just across town to convenient Fredericksburg. Our little 9-room idyllic rancher in King George, VA has been mine and Nancy’s home for eight years. It was our first home together. While in it we became engaged, married, pregnant with John Adams, gave birth and raised him for almost five years. I received my MFA. She all but completed her doctorate. We adopted our beloved cats, Duke, Ceyde, and Shadow. We leave our hearts behind with Ivan, Scoutie, Kisaki, The Nix, and many, many fish. We have borne illnesses and celebrated Openings and successes. We have as many memories as the clutter that we seek to escape. Who knows what comes next. Hopefully, we are trading the good for the great, the inconvenient for the convenient, the isolation for community. Only time will tell. So much to do before and after the move. We are so truly excited. Well, excited and scared. Anyway, enjoy the haiku, draw strength or insight from them if you find them worthy, and we’ll talk soon.

Namaste and may your life be one of exciting change,



Most differences
Can disappear with the words,
“But I accept you.”

Be reliable.
Be someone they can count on
Even when they’re not.

Animals know us;
They perceive our fears and moods
In ways we can’t hide.

Attention expands
Those things which we put it on.
Where is your focus?

Meditate daily
On your unique perfection.
You’re like no other.



First Forsythia of Spring

In adversity
The most gorgeous flowers bloom.
Seek out mud puddles.

I am perfect health.
I am perfect abundance.
I am perfect love.

Why are you waiting?
With each passing year you age!
Take those risks right now.


There’s only one way,
And that is the way forward.
There’s no going back.

Seek the difference
Between opinion and fact,
Between spin and truth.


Our home in King George, VA (2010-2018)